Friday, July 3

The Project

Well, here it is! Finally, I have some photographic evidence of the cute little bouldering crag that the Beastfakers are developing. A crowbar and a bit of acid should tidy it up nicely and it looks like there are a couple of gnarly V1s which would send nicely with a green beanie.

Check out the cave (centre right) with a sick roof for that little piece of esoterica. Sweet.

1 comment:

mountain dad said...

I've been up there most nights this week projecting that mental V0- problem we checked out last time - it's so ill! Basically it involves a ladder of jugs with average sized reaches between bits of vegetation. Unfortunately I pulled off a bush yesterday, so a rethink on the likely grade might be in order, it's probably in the region of solid V0 now so I'll have to hit the fingerboard hard to send this one! Fingers crossed. MD